Why isn’t there a new build of Zombie Mansion!?!

August 15, 2014 at 4:01 pm (Programming, Rant, Thinking) (, , , , )

This is the question that all of the voices in my head have been asking me. The general answer is this: I’ve been busy. I do have a new build that should have fixed all of the issues from the first demo build, but I keep getting distracted from verifying that it’s all ready and packaged.

What’s been keeping me so busy though? Well, a number of things. I started taking several courses on Coursera recently; this is one of the things. I’m taking courses on game theory and cognitive psychology and a couple others. So that’s taken some of my attention.

I’ve been spending some time filling in gaps of my knowledge as well. I bought a book that has a lot of general knowledge topics, so it’s led to some additional reading. For example, I’ve always had an interest in psychology, but I haven’t formally studied it; it’s usually been about reading periodicals and research papers, etc. So I read through a general overview and history of it to cover up the gaps. The theories and relationships of Freud and Jung are interesting to me as well. I’ve always been a little iffy on Jung’s research, but it’s sparked a bit of additional effort to learn more about how his distilled theories originated.

Also, I’ve been looking to help a friend out with some web programming stuff. It’s similar to what I do at work right now, but I’ve had to spend a fair amount of time getting up to speed. Unfortunately, I’ve been somewhat stretched by additional responsibilities at work and home, so I’ve been lagging behind a bit.

Man I do a lot of stuff, and this isn’t even the complete list…

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