Zombie Mansion: Updates and screenshots!

November 13, 2013 at 6:32 pm (Games, Processing, Programming, Video games) (, , , , , , , , )

Yay! Screenshots! I’ve finally had some motivation to post some stuff on my project that isn’t 6 months old. I got a little side tracked with events and stuff, so I’ve been busy and unmotivated. Anyway, I’ve solved the issue I was complaining about in my last post, or at least I have a workaround for it, so it looks nice again. Also, I’ve been using Artisy: Draft for piecing together level designs and other stuff. It makes it a bit easier when I go to make levels in my editor if I have a fancy map telling me where to put stuff.

Anyway, here are some animated GIFs of my “game” right now. Note that they don’t really look right due to the GIF making process I’m using. For example, the animations and movements look really glitchy (and the particle effects die out) because the framerate dies when I record a GIF with the library I’m using. Also, the levels depicted in the GIFs are not finished and polished, so the floors look awkward, etc.

Basic room spin

Basic room spin

Shooting a zombie

Shooting a zombie

Pushing furniture

Pushing furniture

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