First time using colored pencils

September 30, 2016 at 8:44 am (Art, Colored Pencils, Sketches) (, , , , )

I found an old set of Prismacolor Scholars in my mother’s basement when I was cleaning out old highschool and college stuff, so I figured I’d try my hand at that. I found a YouTube video of an artist’s timelapse of finishing a picture and decided to try to do what he was doing. I have mixed feelings about it; I think I’ll need a few more tries before I like what I do.

The long version of the story here is that I also discovered that I bought my wife a set of Faber Castell colored pencils a while ago. I was a little excited to try them out because of what I’d heard about them (they’re oil-based vs wax-based). I started drawing the same picture as you see above (which was my first attempt at it) and I got part-way through before I realized my mistake. It turns out these were Faber Castell “Classic” colored pencils – meaning they’re not much different than typical Crayola ones. The big deal here is that they don’t blend at all; I had just assumed I was doing it wrong and trucked on. This is what that partial looked like:

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